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Workouts not working?

Female measuring herself

When I started out as a PT I knew very quickly that my clients thought that just attending a PT twice a week was the answer to their fat loss prayers. Lots of women still do in fact. In my personal experience, it has to be the greatest reason for attending a PT or any fitness class – fat loss and toning up. Not all I might add – but most of the time.

Very quickly I had to manage their expectations and reveal that in fact, the greatest change and impact on fat loss will OCCUR in the hours OUTSIDE the gym, NOT in the gym. This is where the magic happens. This where real coaching begins.

Hand on heart – my training as a nutritionist has been more beneficial to my client’s results than my training as a PT. It didn’t take a genius to work out that it was the NON GYM STUFF that was the “low hanging fruit”.

Do you want to know the secret behind what burns the most amount of calories in our everyday life? Not every PT will tell you this.

Click the below video to discover why exercise won’t make you skinny.

This 1-1 coaching client previously trained six days a week by attending the gym, did loads of cardio, ate very little and still was not making progress. After 6 weeks coaching I changed her macro profile of her diet, added in extra calories and strength trained 4 times a week from home. 6 weeks, job done.

Was training 6 days a week on the left. On the right, after 6 weeks 1-1 coaching online. We programmed a home strength workout and she trained 3-4 days a week during lockdown and I refined her nutrition. Job done.

If you are at your wits end to-ing and fro-ing with diets, dipping in and out of workout regimes, doing everything and being consistent with nothing – then hire me as your coach. I like to get my clients results. I will hold you accountable to a sensible and flexible approach to fat loss and fitness. After 6 weeks you’ll never be confused about diets or nutrition again. You know exactly what you’ll need to know you lose weight and keep it off. Period. Hit reply to this email if you are interested in hiring me as your private online Nutritionist and Personal Trainer. No groups, no shared online communities, nobody knowing your business, just you and me!

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