Lose Up To 2 Stone In 90 Days, Without Ever Having To “Beast Yourself” In A Stinking Gym
Access The Exact Strategies My Ladies Have Used To Lose A Collective 22 Stone In The Last 90 Days…
…Even If You Feel Limited By PCOS, Perimenopause, Or Other Hormonal Issues.
I know you’re sick to the back teeth of the weight loss merry-go-round.
Talking about starting again on Monday…
Choosing clothes that hide your body, rather than clothes you like…
Thinking about how other people perceive you…
And unconsciously criticising yourself every time you look at the cellulite we all have.
“Pinching an inch” destroys your appreciation for your body every time you do it.
I’ve coached thousands of women over the last 10 years, and they all want the same thing:
To feel at peace with their bodies.
And to have a relationship with our bodies that we’ve never really had…
You have to do something different…
Something new…
…that you haven’t done before.
At this point, I need to actually make you forget everything you know about how to lose weight.
Counting calories, weighing food, syns, carbs, eating out, good and bad foods, dieting, supplements…
Working out, group fitness classes, personal training, hours of boring cardio, that intimidating weights room…
And once you do…
Like magic, your body will transform in ways that you’ve never thought possible.
Honestly, it’s not too much to ask for.
So this is going to be the most important message you read all day.
And in order for me to show you exactly how you can do that…
I need you to stop what you’re doing and give me your undivided attention.
The next 7 minutes are going to change the next 7 years of life…
Here’s why…

My name is Tara Grimes.
And publicly, I help women to transform their bodies and get into the shape of their lives.
You might have heard of me from Instagram, or speaking at female health events across the country & authoring many online articles for major publications.
That’s what I do in public.
…But in private, I’ve coached thousands of women.
We work on overcoming the limiting beliefs around what’s possible for their bodies now… NOT what they achieved years and years ago.
I help women to finally develop a healthy relationship with their bodies.
To find a level of contentedness with themselves that they’ve been chasing their whole lives.
And simply to diet successfully.
To lose weight, and keep it off.
Even after they’ve tried and failed by themselves…
Especially if they were made to feel like it was their fault for lacking willpower…
Or being “past it”…
Or needing to give up every ounce of joy in their lives to lose half a pound.
I’m not having it.
I’m here to work with women that are sick of being kept in the dark about what actually matters when it comes to health and fitness.
The “diet industry” doesn’t care about our feelings, ladies.
It’s our job to protect ourselves.
And I’ve developed a simple method to do exactly that.
A method that has already been successfully used by 5000 women…
To get results they describe as “life changing”.

And best of all...
They didn’t have to starve themselves on less than 1000 calories of misery a day
They didn’t have to start risky and potentially painful medical hormonal treatments!
They never once had to “beast themselves” in a stinking gym 🤢
Evidence based tried and tested
The method to getting phenomenal results
We’ve developed a tried and tested method to get a phenomenal result…
And we do it all – virtually!
There are two ways to get in shape…
The hard way, and the easy way.
The hard way is to “try again on Monday”.
That didn’t work 20 years ago… and it won’t work now.
Do you really want to get a personal trainer that makes you weigh and count every morsel you eat…?
And do high-impact exercises that are pretty much guaranteed to hurt your knees
…And might make you wee yourself in a public gym…?
No. Thank. You.

The easy way is having someone tell you exactly what to eat.
Someone giving you exercises that aren’t just appropriate for your skill level…
But choosing them based on where you WANT to work out… if you want to work out…
And working with someone that knows how many decisions you have to make in a day…
And taking the burden of thinking and planning OFF you.
At least for this one part of your life.
Having to do ALL the thinking for this new area of your life is EXACTLY where the process of losing weight becomes difficult.
Because you’re doing so much of it already.
That’s why most women think they need an in-person trainer to get results…
And they worry that working with an online coach might mean they get less support.
In fact, every single woman I’ve helped to lose weight and tone up has come to me with the same exact concern about that…
So I’m going to address that head on, straight out of the gate…
You Do Not Need An In-Person PT To Get Results.

In fact, this is very likely to be the exact thing that’s held you back from getting the sustainable weight loss you’ve longed for in the past.
See, if you’re working with any trainer worth their salt…
They’re fully booked.
Sometimes, for months – or even years – in advance.
And that leaves you with a difficult choice.
Option 1:
Sit around, and wait for them to become available…
Letting the problem you’re trying to solve get worse, and worse…
Feeling your motivation drain away.
Or grab random, ad-hoc sessions with them…
Usually at 5am or 10pm.
That’s if they have a short notice cancellation.
By which time, they’re exhausted…
And definitely not giving you their best attention…
While you struggle to keep your eyes open…
Never mind focusing on the quality of your performance.
Ad hoc sessions = ad hoc results.
That’s true in anything…
But when it comes to your health and fitness?
You’re at risk of injury.
Option 2:
Strike while the iron’s hot – capitalise on your motivation…
And work with whomever is available.
While everyone has to start somewhere…
I imagine you don’t want to leave your results to some wet-behind-the-ears new start…
Who doesn’t have the first clue about the issues faced by REAL women.
And wouldn’t know how to adapt their templated one-size-fits-all plan for you anyway.
Leaving you paying for a “custom plan” that’s been copy and pasted from all their other clients.
Which means you’ll get the same outcome…
A whole lot of nothing.
So my lowest moment was how unwell I was after covid. I had no energy, was sleeping 18 hours a day, simple tasks were difficult. That was the turning point for me. I realised I was almost 20 stone and while that wasn’t a factor in me getting covid it did hinder my recovery. I had followed your page for a while and liked your real matter of fact approach. My own lack of confidence was what was putting me off coming to work with you. I felt like I could never do it, how was I ever going to shift all this weight? The mountain just seemed to high to climb.
But now after working with you for 6 months I wish I had started 6 years ago. Your wealth of knowledge, experience and evidence based scientific approach accomplished something I never thought possible for me. I know I still have a journey ahead but for the first time I have the belief and confidence that I can keep going and achieve my goals. Thanks to the foundation you have helped to build. xx
Transform in ways that you’ve never thought possible.

Clearly, there was a problem. Traditional gym environments just weren’t working for:
- Busy women who have a stack of responsibilities with family
- Career focused women who are severely limited for time
- Women whose bodies are changing rapidly, and might feel a bit alien to them
The great trainers that you want to work with are stacked, back to back, and simply can’t fit you in…
And the trainers who are available…?
Well, there’s a reason they don’t have a waiting list!
What’s more…
The kind of help you get with a trainer…
Even a GREAT trainer…
Doesn’t extend to all the other things you need to get incredible results…
- Like diet guidance from a nutritionist.
Most trainers are qualified to help with exercise, and nothing else!
Crazy when you consider probably 90% of your results – or more – come from nutrition.
- The support of other people on the same journey as you.
Most one to one personal trainers are exactly that.
One to one.
You don’t get to know any of their other clients.
Because all their goals are completely different.
Personal trainers are generalists, not specialists.
They work with everyone.
But don’t really understand you or how your body works…
…Which means, you’re going to be handed a generic workout that everyone else gets and a generic meal plan and told to follow it…
…And then…
Nothing happens.
Because, I don’t know about YOU, ladies…
But after I turned about 40…?
My body just didn’t behave the way it used to when it came to losing weight.
Personally, I think good PTs can be wonderful…
They solve a big range of problems for people and manage a huge spectrum of goals.
But are they EXPERTS at working with female bodies that are going through more change than they have in decades?!
Absolutely not.
Plus – I may be cynical…
But clients are worth far more to a trainer one to one.
Instead of charging you for the hour and coaching you both…
They charge you individually… twice.
It doesn’t make good business sense to create a community for them.
In short…
Personal training is good – if you get lucky…
But for 99% of people that sign up…
It just doesn’t work as well as it could.
You might spend years and years working closely with a trainer…
Just to question if you’ve even been making progress.
What a waste.
What If You Could Have Your Own Specialist Coach Without Ever Having To Leave The House…
And At ⅓ The Cost?
“Tara, if I could only lose weight without:
- Giving up all my favourite foods for miserable meals I hate
- Practically becoming a full-time accountant just to work out calories
- Doing hours of boring cardio in a stinking dirty gym
- And getting up at 5am to work with the only decent local PT
…It would be perfect.”

So that’s exactly what we did…
We created our brand new group coaching programme which gives you absolutely everything you need to get a world class result.
The focus is on losing weight and toning up…
Without having to give up a cheeky glass of wine on a Friday night…
No matter where you are in the world…
You can access our group coaching because we are fully virtual.
That’s a HUGE benefit because no matter your experience level…
No matter if you have access to a fully kitted out home gym, or nothing at all…
The programme is designed around you, your goals and your lifestyle.
It is actually, genuinely, bespoke.
Not like other programmes that claim to write you a personalised programme…
But then they send you a sketchy templated programme that doesn’t even have your name in it!
What you’re getting here is the same level of exceptional service as working with me as a VIP one to one client…
But because it’s delivered in a group environment, it’s not only way more affordable than working with me one to one…
It gifts you a hugely underrated benefit:
The Community
These ladies are truly my secret weapon when it comes to changing your body long term.
Why is it so important?
Simply put, you’re a product of your environment.

And while I don’t expect you to walk away from all your friends just to lose a couple of stone…
The reality is…
Being around people who already have your behaviour as their norm…?
Makes sustaining that behaviour feel so much easier.
If you’ve ever been at an event where you’re the only one on a diet, you’ll know exactly what I mean.
The pressure – explicit and implied – to “just have one”
To join in…
To not be boring…
It makes losing weight about 100 times harder than it needs to be.
And being around people who do the opposite…
Who encourage you to stick to your guns…
To keep the vision of your future self front and centre in your mind…
I’m sure you can imagine just how powerful that is.
And who wouldn’t want losing weight to feel 100 times easier?!
I want to paint a picture for you.
You wake up one morning 90 days from now.
You’ve slept great, and actually wake up with a remarkable amount of energy.
You walk into your bathroom and get undressed…
Hopping on the scale, you note with an unemotional detachment that your weight has dropped.
But it’s just data.
No big emotional highs and lows for the scale anymore.
Getting into the shower, you catch a glance at your body.
Firmer, and more toned than it was 90 days ago for sure.
You look at yourself, and you feel… okay.
And that “okay” is AMAZING.
Because for decades, you couldn’t even look in that mirror.
Couldn’t hold your own gaze.
You’ve lost – realistically – up to 2 stone in those 90 days.
And you never felt like it was a massive effort.
Getting out of the shower, you choose clothes based on how they look…
How they make you feel…
And how they represent YOU to the outside world.
Clothes that portray you in the right light to the rest of the world.
Rather than what is the least uncomfortable.
That doesn’t pull in all the wrong places.
And what simply “fits”.
No longer hostage to black, navy and brown.
…Because you no longer mind being seen.
In short, clothes that showcase you…
Rather than disguise you.
Maybe they’re old favourites you haven’t worn in a couple of years…
Maybe they’re new.
Bought to replace all the old baggy stuff you black-bagged for the charity shop.
And you go about your day – with steady energy, feeling calm and at peace…
Knowing that critical voice in your head has been quietened.
For good.
If you’re ready to look in the mirror, and see a more re-energised, toned, happier you…?
This is for you.
But this isn’t for you if:
- You’re a total technophobe. You will need to be able to get online, and check our Facebook group. That’s all, and it’s not super advanced - but it is important.
- You don’t have an hour a week to spend on yourself. You’ll have ways to catch up with the trainings - they’re all recorded, of course… But you get a LOT more out of being part of the community.
- You love hardcore workouts, set by psycho trainers, who love to make you go green every session. This is about working out SMARTER, not burying yourself.

So, like I said…
It’s important this fits around your life.
We don’t need to do anything in person at the gym.
In fact, you don’t even need a gym membership.
It’s all online.
Here’s how it works…
At the point, you’re ready to get stuck in, you make a commitment to yourself…
Make your payment for the first 90 days.
One payment, boxed off, up front.
You don’t have to think about it again.
(Unless you want to split the payments into smaller instalments)
And then you’re free to roll up your sleeves and get involved.
You get access to the group immediately.
Inside, we run all our weekly trainings…
This is the vital educational component that’s completely missing from personal training.
And it’s the stuff that allows you to think differently about the approach we take to getting in shape.
Your plan will take me a day or 2 to sort out – because it’s tailored to you.
I don’t want to give you something that’s totally wrong for your body, your goals, or your lifestyle.
But from the very instant you join, you’re one of us.
That means all the support and accountability you need is yours. Instantly.
And it’s all there at the touch of a button.
All you need to do…
…Is decide.
To tell yourself…
“I am ready to get started today.”
Here’s Why This Will Work For You When Everything Else Failed
I’m going to be straight with you…
I designed this group programme so that it was exactly what I needed when I was trying to get in shape myself.
After looking around…
Doing my research…
Getting burned by partially successful services run by general personal trainers…
Or getting a good result, but it only lasted the duration of the programme…
And after I finished, the results disappeared as quickly as the “coach”.
I simply couldn’t get what I wanted.
And I know literally hundreds of other women who needed the exact same service.
So I set about designing it.
It solved a personal frustration of mine…
Here’s what we did…
🤯🤯🤯 We put specialists in charge of the different parts of the programme 🤯🤯🤯
It might seem obvious…
But this is simply not a step other group coaching programmes take.
We’ve got fully qualified nutritionists in charge of dietary guidance.
And we’ve got fully qualified coaches in charge of the training.
Rather than having a general practitioner trying to wear all the different hats…
And doing a generally average job of them…
We get top-of-their-game specialists to deliver excellent content on what they’re brilliant at.
As a result, you don’t waste any time with anything that doesn’t make much difference.
And you spend all your time working on those things which really move the needle.
The most bang for your buck.
That’s what we’re all about.
And what’s even better, is since we’re virtual…
You don’t have to wait for an appointment to become available…
Or fit into an awkward timetable at your local gym…
You get exactly what you need…
Exactly when you need it.
That means the support and accountability we can provide you with is always agile.
And that means you get the best results possible in the least amount of time.
Here’s What You Get:
- Bespoke plan to suit your ability level, access to equipment, goals and preferences.
- World class experts brought in to elevate your thinking around training, nutrition, and mindset.
- Literally everything you could need to approach getting in shape with a seriously upgraded toolkit.
- Support and accountability from our community of ladies who all share the same goals and aspirations as you, which will make getting in shape 100x easier than trying to work on this alone.
Here’s What People Say About Revive & Thrive

I contacted Tara as I needed help losing weight but that’s not all…
The turning point – the psoriasis starting to come onto my face and then my leg being so bad and having to wear thick black tights over it to cover it up. Plus not feeling good in clothes.
The fear of joining you probably was the fear of admitting that I needed help with my day to day (basic lifeskill) and knowing that I had to change,
Tara helped me change my diet and improve my gut health which completely cleared up my skin and I’ve lost 2 stone. I’ve never felt better. It was money well spent. I’d have saved a fortune on lotions and potions / alternative therapies if I had contacted Tara sooner. I have the skills for life that Tara’s program taught me.
After 2 decades of dieting and losing weight and regaining, Tara taught me how to live my life and still lose weight but more importantly she coached me on how to cope with situations I couldn’t manage before her program. Like eating out and still staying on track. Coping with emotional eating and how to deal with hormones and cravings. Before this program I was really good or really bad there was no in between. Now I have the tools to live my life and not feel like I’m on or off a diet.

Leading a busy life with work and kids can give you all the excuses you need to procrastinate. I always waited until I had a ‘clear path’ or nothing on to lose the weight. Tara showed me their is no clear path, there is no right time – just do it. I certainly did that and now I know how to nourish my body when busy, stressed, grabbing and going or at work. She has covered every eventuality for me so that I now have no excuses. I now know I was using those excuses not to deal with it.
You’re probably wondering just how much this costs.
It’s irrelevant.
Bold claim, I know.
But the cost doesn’t actually matter because you ARE going to get results.
- You’re going to lose up to 2 stone (around 12kg)…
- You’re going to look slimmer, younger and more toned
- And you’re going to actually feel at peace…
…Because you will KNOW with absolute certainty that you’re doing everything you can to look after your health and fitness.
But the price is less than you think.
With results like I’ve shown you…
And the level of investment into the programme…
I imagine the only reservation you might have would be around the financial investment.
Because This Proven Process Works INSANELY Well.
And you’ve been conditioned to think that anything that promises to actually get you a result for your health and fitness is going to be Expensive.
…with a capital E!
Let’s put it this way…
If you were seeing a personal trainer for an hour’s workout every day for the same 90 day period…
You’d be looking to spend somewhere in the region of £4000 – £5000…
But that would include no additional education or nutrition support at all.
That would just be the workouts.
And if you were to sign on for my VIP coaching package, where those things are included…
I’d charge £2500 for one-on-one online coaching.
And let’s be honest…
Since it gets you the result you’ve longed for your whole adult life, it’s worth every penny.
But like I explained, this is a group coaching programme.
Which allows me to work with more than one client at a time.
So while I pay my trainers, nutritionists, and psychologists no matter what…
I can pass those savings on to you.
It also means I don’t have to host any events at expensive premises…
Pay gym rent with massive overheads…
And the cost for equipment is pretty minimal…
So I’m able to deliver these life changing results starting at just £997.
That works out at about £11 per day.
Less than the cost of a takeaway, and a damn sight better for your health.

Results Guaranteed
What’s even better…
I am so sure of your results…
I am so certain that this group programme is about a million times better than everything else you’ve tried…
That I’m prepared to put my money where my mouth is:
Let me be super clear here…
If you commit for 90 days, and give me your very best effort in that time…
And you don’t lose weight, for some reason…
I will give you a FULL refund.
Issued by myself, personally, that very same day.
Straight back into your bank account.
But in my whole career, coaching over 10,000 women to long term health through weight loss…
Even if they have health conditions like PCOS, or even the menopause…
Even when other coaches have told them they “just can’t lose weight”
Because of complications, or limitations on what’s physically possible for them…
I haven’t ever failed.
Not once.
And all I ask is you meet this challenge with 100% commitment.
If you can do that, I will personally guarantee this is a done deal.
In fact, as soon as you hit that button to buy…
And your mind is truly made up…?
The results are as good as yours.

Thank you Tara, for helping me find and love myself again x
Anyone out there wondering should I sign up or not to this program…??? DO IT!!! It’s the best money I ever spent on myself… You will not regret it!
Now, there’s no fake scarcity with this.
I want you to jump on board when the time is right for you.
The sooner you get started, the sooner you get the body you’ve always wanted.
And if you’ve read this far… it seems like your time is now.
Today’s your day, and I could NOT be more excited for what’s to come!
Because all life changing decisions start with that one moment when you’re ready to back yourself.
To take a chance that this could be the solution you’ve been looking for.
And with results like these…

And my personal financial guarantee:
If you apply yourself…
Give it all you’ve got for the next 90 days and somehow…
You don’t get the results you deserve…
I’ll give you every single penny of your investment straight back.
I’m that sure of this service, that I’m willing to take all the risk.
I welcome it, in fact.
Because I know: there’s zero risk.
Now, I can’t do any more to get you across the line…
And with that guarantee…
I’m not even really asking you to say “yes”…
I’m asking you to say MAYBE.
Maybe to a body you’re ok with looking at in the mirror.
Maybe to a diet that doesn’t ravage your hormones and make you feel awful.
Maybe you deserve to go to bed without heartburn, and waking up without nightsweats.
Maybe it is worth another go – with the right support.
My time is now best spent inside that community, helping my ladies absolutely crush every single day…
And exceed their own expectations.
So at this point…
It’s over to you.
You could spend the next 90 days making no progress, holding steady…
And sometimes, honestly – that’s the right option.
You could keep going the way most people do when left to their own devices…
Getting 1% off-course each day…
Making ever-so-slightly worse choices over time, and barely even noticing the difference…
…Until you can’t do your jeans up anymore.
Or you could decide: This is the sign you’ve been waiting for.
Make an active choice to change the path you’re on.
And reach out for a hand to make this whole process easier, quicker and way more enjoyable when you join us.
The choice is yours,
And I am so excited to help you achieve your potential…

You might still have some reservations.
Sometimes, with an online coaching programme…
The ladies that come to me feel a bit concerned that they won’t be “tech savvy” enough to make it work.
I get that. I hate the thought of learning anything to do with computers too.
So I made this whole thing as easy as possible.
If you have an email address, and a Facebook account – you’re all set.
That’s all you need.
In fact, you could get absolutely everything you needed from this programme from your smartphone.
You wouldn’t even need to turn your laptop on.
My goal isn’t to turn you all into computer geniuses…
My goal is just to make sure you’re making steady, daily progress towards a body you feel at peace with.
A body that you’re on side with, rather than fighting against.
Feeling like you’re content with your physical self – not at war with what you see in the mirror.
In fact, when Joanne came to me first…
She didn’t even have a computer at home.
She had an iPhone and a WiFi connection.
Check out her results…
- 2 stone lighter
- Wearing all the clothes in her wardrobe, and feeling amazing
- Certainty about managing her diet in social situations - something that used to derail her progress and totally stress her out
- Confidence in her training - pushing harder when she knows she can, and regulating her effort when her life is a little busier. (THIS is the secret to sustainable, enjoyable exercise)
- In full control of her life - starting with managing her boundaries with the skill of a master diplomat.
And she did all this while…
🤯 Moving house, and all the stresses that come with being without a kitchen for 2 weeks!
🤯 Navigating 3 big family birthdays – and all the cake and party food without feeling out of control.
🤯 …And managing the challenges of perimenopause.
What was her secret?
Having the right support in place to preempt these particular challenges. We didn’t leave anything to chance.
In short, we had a plan in place.
Before we needed it.
And a back up plan, just in case.
Imagine what you could achieve with the right help in your corner…