Understand Fat Loss in your 40s and Beyond!
Fat Loss: Revealed
Download Your Copy TODAY!
This is my complete guide to understanding fat loss when you’re in your 40s, 50s and beyond and spoiler alert ladies… it’s completely different from what we did in our 20s and 30s!
What You Can Expect
Ladies, I’m sure you already know… but what we did to drop fat in our 20s and 30s is no longer working as we move through our best years! In my Fat Loss Revealed e-book you’ll find an effective guide on flexible dieting and calorie counting, all with the simple goal of losing fat in mind.
Dieting doesn’t have to be confusing, heck, even counting calories isn’t as complicated as people make out. Trust me, I’ve put everything you need to understand effective and sustainable fat loss in this e-book. And it’s all yours for free.
Once you’ve got the e-book you’re going to discover:
- How you CAN still eat the foods you love and still drop fat
- How to calculate your calories CORRECTLY for weight loss
- How to ACCURATELY track you calories
- How to enjoy a social life using a FLEXIBLE diet
- Plus as many anecdotes and REAL-LIFE examples I can give
Dieting is very simple. Let me show you how with my simple guide on flexible dieting, calorie counting, and losing weight.
Yours today, 100% FREE!

*By following a plan or by following advice provided by Tara Grimes Fitness, you assume such risks and waive and release any claim which you may have against Fitness 31 Ltd. as a result of any future injury or illness as a result of the use or misuse of any program. You also claim responsibility for any adverse effects that result from the use of recipes and/or information in a plan.