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Ready for Real Menopause Talk?

Imagine having the tools, knowledge & support to finally take back control of your life during menopause, that's exactly what my series of FREE menopause webinars will teach you.

menopause webinar on laptop

Changing Women's Bodies, Changing Women's Lives

Join thousands of other females across the world and get Tara's help to transform your body.

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Real Women, Real Results

Take 30 seconds to hear some of our members stories

Online Masterclass

Menopause Reset: Get your Body Back

Get access to the live training, find out what the heck is happening to our bodies as we age and how to reclaim it back!

Flexible Dieting done right

My New 6/1 Plan is here

The 6/1 Plan Ebook by Tara Grimes

Become part of a growing community

Evidence based tried and tested

Meet your coach

Tara Grimes

A specialist in Female Fat Loss & Health, who has helped thousands of busy women transform their bodies and get into the best shape of their lives.

A guide to success

Over 40's Lean and Strong

This is for anyone who has found it really challenging to lose weight or maintain weight as they get older.

Over 40s Lean and Strong cover

Why choose Tara Grimes Fitness?

Proven results and years of experience


Results Delivered

Female specific training to suit female muscle type, delivering maximum results and a more toned physique.


Client Experience

Access to me and other members giving you private support, experience and daily motivation on this program.


Easy to follow

Programs that are practical, simple and easy to follow A flexible diet plan that allows you the foods you love.


Years of experience

Female specific training program to blitz tummy fat and achieve lean muscle tone on other parts of the body.


What women need

We understand what women need Tailored calories to suit your current weight. Not a one size fits all.

Listen to the TGF Podcast

The Female Fat Loss Coach

A weekly podcast with all the information and encouragement you need to start your fat loss journey.

Useful Articles

Latest from the blog

Something that’s JUST for you
Do you ever feel like life is just throwing missiles at you?
These women are NO different from you
You might be reading this thinking that coaching isn’t for you.
Who loves a routine?
My least favourite phrase is, “let’s just see how things pan out.”…

Get started with a Free Program

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Click below to book a call. We’ll discuss your goals and find out if the programme is right for you.