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Something that’s JUST for you

A yellow sign that reads "Winter Storm Warning" and the background is snow

Do you ever feel like life is just throwing missiles at you?

Like giant feckin hailstones…

Coming thick and fast, and you can’t dodge them quick enough?

Please say “yes”… I can’t be the only woman who feels that way!

I was thinking about this on the weekend and concluded that, as a woman, this is why I love health and fitness so much…

So much of our lives is dictated by other people…

Workload, kids, husband, family… The list goes on…

We all have a ton of responsibilities that hold us hostage, right?

But how I eat…

How I move…

How I show up for myself…

Well, that’s completely in my control…

It’s just MINE. It’s something I have complete jurisdiction over…

That nobody can muscle in on! 😂

Remember when your kids were little, and you couldn’t finish a meal without them wanting a bit?

Or have a pee in peace without them sitting on your lap?

When you longed for something in your day that was just for you…

Well, that’s how I view my health.

And I want that for you, too.

Everyone should have something in their lives that just belongs to them…

That nobody else can influence or alter…

And that’s how I know that when I sign new ladies up to Revive & Thrive…

They’re entering a superb new chapter in their lives…

I love that for us…

And if you’re not QUITE ready yet, I get that too.

You can follow me on social media, and subscribe to my podcast. (Links below)

I’m happy to go at your pace,


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