You might not even be ready to think about this question at the moment…
I know that you’ll still be reeling from the whirlwind that was Christmas & New Year
Finding yourself holding onto the odd random box of After Eights with a vice-like grip…
Hell, you might even still be picking shards of Pringles out of your cleavage! 😂
But if you are ready to have a think about why we do some of the stupid shit that we do, I’m here for it.
In my experience of coaching thousands of menopausal women…
We use overeating as a tool. A coping mechanism. A way of managing other more uncomfortable things…
Often things that are too difficult to tackle.
For example, a job you hate, a relationship that makes you feel rubbish or maybe a lack of confidence in yourself.
In short, overeating is managing something else in your life. It’s got a protective value.
So when women come to me and say,
“I want to lose weight more than anything, and I’m trying my absolute best!”
I believe them. But I also know that not doing it is giving you something too.
In other words: It’s derisking you from something worse.
But it has risks of its own.
Sounds complicated, doesn’t it?
That’s why losing weight is so much more than finding a calorie deficit and sticking to it.
And that’s why my programme digs deep into what else is going on in women’s lives… Because we’re all at a stage of life where we’re challenged – daily – by The Other Thing.
I want to get to know you,
To a point where we feel able to have a bloody good chat and a moan about what’s going on,
Because then I can really work out your strengths AND what you’re hiding from.
I know I can help… How can I be so sure?
Because I have a 100% success rate. Let that sink in.
The would take a fair bit of risk out of things, wouldn’t it?
If you’re ready to explore what that could look like for you, book a call today and we’ll get into it together.