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Is it a blood clot or just new leggings?

“If you are still with me, thank you for taking the time to read my journey into HRT…

I’ve tried to keep a very open mind but also to be super honest…

So, by week 7, I’d noticed a couple more things…

I hadn’t had the “period” that the doctor said I could expect…

Not a true period, of course… But a hormonally induced bleed…

Nothing to report in that area.

Also, I noticed that my body smelled different…

Now, I apologise if this is too much information and if you are of a delicate disposition, maybe look away…

But my pee smelt different…

Also, my hair and body odour had changed in scent.

It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was stronger.

The insomnia was still as prevalent as it had been, and I was still doing the night shift from 11pm – 4am 😫

Apart from one blissful night where my body must have decided on a “sleep or die” policy because it knocked me out, and I slept like I’d been drugged. BLISS…

Then, one evening during week 8, I stripped off for a shower…

When I glanced down I noticed that the bottom of my leg was blue!

I don’t mind telling you my life flashed before my eyes…

I thought that I’d developed a blood clot and that amputation was certainly imminent…

My panic didn’t stop me from wondering if I’d choose a “tanned version” when I picked out my false leg…

It was right about then that I looked around and saw my leggings on the bathroom floor…

My (NEW) NAVY leggings that day…🙄

The bloody things had lost colour on my leg and given the illusion of a deadly circulatory disorder…

Panic over… 😂😂😂

The constipation had eased by this point, but the lack of sleep was proving a REAL issue for me…

I was also experiencing a level of brain fog that I was unfamiliar with…

I’m not a dizzy kind of woman… I have a good memory…

I tend not to lose things and am mostly on the ball…

But week 9 saw me calling my husband to help me look for my specs when they were on my face the whole time…

This is SUPER out of character for me.

I was also even more emotional than I’d been before…

I’d become a professional crier… Was even considering giving up my day job I was that good at it!

Week 10 saw an increase in my hunger levels…

Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing…

But it’s a thing 😂and I promised I’d tell you everything.

The doctor had given me 3 months worth of patches, so I decided to do the full 12 weeks by way of a fair trial…

I had a decision to make… And soon.”

Claire 💋

P.S. If you’ve tried HRT, what side effects – if any – did YOU experience?

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