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I just feel miserable

Close-up of Woman's Body

I’m sharing this conversation with you because I know you’ll get it…

I know you’ll understand the guts it took for this client to say what she said,

And how rubbish it feels when you are in such a dark place.

So, I recently enrolled a new client onto my programme…

I always make a point of getting to know my ladies and we sat and chatted for quite a while… She told me…

“I would just like to look and feel better in my clothes. I feel very depressed with my weight now.”

Like so many of us, this lovely lady had experienced “weight creep”…

A couple of pounds here and there, each pregnancy had come and gone and taken it’s toll, and the icing on the cake for her was perimenopause…

She’d gone clothes shopping with her sister and been into the high street’s version of hell…


Must have been invented by a fucking man! Honest to God.

This experience was the final straw and she’d reached out to me for help.

I had a master plan which would heal more than just her eating habits…

And I’m gonna share it with you today, so you can do the same – if you want to…

Get in that wardrobe and remove all the “thin clothes”.

Yes, you read that right.

There’s nothing more soul destroying than opening the wardrobe every day and looking at a ton of stuff that won’t fit.

…and hasn’t fitted for years, if we’re being completely straight about it.

So: Charity bag. Out they go. Bye, Felicia 👋

Secondly, I asked her to choose one “goal item”…

A piece of clothing that, not only had once looked incredible, but had particular significance emotionally.

She had a beautiful blazer that she’d worn a lot of when her children were small. She’d wear it to “look smart” when she collected them from school so it had a ton of happy, warm memories attached.

I had her hang that on the outside of her wardrobe so it was in her eyeline every day when she woke up.

Thirdly, I had her choose a brand new aspirational piece that she didn’t yet own. Something she’d been lusting after. Something that stood for the kind of woman she was today.

She chose a butter soft taupe leather jacket which, she decided, she would buy when she felt nearer to her goal weight. 

What a gorgeous incentive!

With all of that completed, we formulated a bespoke plan to get her there. 

I’m sure you can imagine that this is a super common story but one that can DEFINITELY have a happy ending.

As women, our bodies go through so much…

Menstruation, pregnancy, child birth and menopause…

(On the flip side, how bloody amazing are we?)

Our bodies have done such incredible things for us over the years…

How about we treat her to the compassion, kindness and true care that she deserves.

I’d love to know what you think

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