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“After crippling knee pain, Tara’s programme has changed my life”

When Claire McLaughlin-Woods first joined my programme in April 2016, she weighed almost 14 stone and suffered from excruciating pain in her knee.

Such was the agony she endured day after day, Claire was receiving steroid injections and was on a waiting list for an operation, but she took the incredibly brave and inspirational decision to do something about her health and wellbeing and I am delighted with how well she has done!

Claire explains what led to her decision: “I have a bad right knee which I need an operation on. I was attending the hospital with my knee and getting steroid injections in it.

“I rang Tara to start her personal training programme and had a meeting with her. She went over everything with me. I told her about my knee, as well as about everything that I was eating, and she invited me to start her group.”

Despite admitting to feeling nervous on the first night of the programme, Claire says: “Tara and Damian went over everything and from that night I haven’t looked back.

“It was hard at first but once you get started, just follow the programme, plan your meals and drink your water!

“It really is great. I am now 2 stone 1lb lighter, my knee is now 60% strong, yet when I started it was only 20%.

“I lost 1 to 2lb in weight a week and I just love it! There were a lot of things I couldn’t do but with Tara’s and Damian’s help and motivation, I can do it now.

“It is a great place to go and they help you every step of the way. I was back at hospital two weeks ago for my big check-up and the doctor could not believe how much my knee has come on.

“For me, though, the best thing was that I didn’t need an injection in it this time.

“Tara’s programme has changed my life so much. Before I joined I trailed my leg along, but now I have so much strength in it.

“The group classes are great and everyone helps each other out.

“I was size 18 tight and now I am size 14 loose.  I am over the moon!

“I would recommend this programme to anyone. I have so much energy and my leg is so much better. I am still attending the class as I would love to have another stone off!”

Claire, I am incredibly proud of how far you have come. You are an inspiration to me and to everyone else in the group.

To find out how you can get involved in my group training classes, click here

My Online Six-Weeks Better Bodies programme offers meal plans, nutrition advice and workouts, meaning you can get the shape you’ve dreamed of even if you don’t have time to attend weekly classes. Find out more here

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*By following a plan or by following advice provided by Tara Grimes Fitness, you assume such risks and waive and release any claim which you may have against Fitness 31 Ltd. as a result of any future injury or illness as a result of the use or misuse of any program. You also claim responsibility for any adverse effects that result from the use of recipes and/or information in a plan.

Tara Grimes Fitness © 2025. All Rights Reserved.   |   [email protected]

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