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Come back and see me when your pelvic floor has left the building!

A young, female yoga instructor stretching legs and smiling in a brightly lit room

Speaking from my professional experience working with hundreds of women over the years…

I would say that comparison is the single most destructive thing I see.

How come?

Surely, a bit of healthy competition is a good thing, right?

Not always.

Let me explain:

Social media is full of young women showing you how to achieve an aspirational lifestyle…

How to apply concealer on a face as smooth as soap…

How to dress to look slimmer (on a body that’s never been an ounce overweight, ever)…

With a never-ending supply of reels showing us their picture-perfect lives…

When, in reality, the only thing these girls are actually responsible for is making sure their Jo Malone candles don’t go out! 😂

Now, please don’t get me wrong…

I’m 100% behind ANY woman trying to be successful…


I don’t want us ladies “of a certain age” comparing themselves to these slips of things…

Wondering why they don’t have silky smooth skin…

A 24” waist…

Or a clutter-free chrome and glass dressing table…(Imagine the fingerprints!)

None of it is a fair comparison. On a bad day, it’ll only lead to disappointment and demotivation.

We ALL looked amazing at 22!

We made it look easy, fuelled by a sausage roll and a can of Coke…

Our beauty routines back then consisted of a wet wipe wash and a good going over with a Bic razor once a week ​​😂

I mean, it was easy to look flawless when all we had to concern ourselves with was a new top for a Saturday night…

Or which lip gloss to pick out, right?

We are older women with faces and bodies that reflect that, sure…

BUT that also means we have the confidence and experience that these young girls are nowhere near yet…

We’ve shaken off the insecurities of youth and usually don’t give a flying feck what anyone thinks anymore 😂

The same attitude shift applies in health and fitness terms…

It’s incredibly important that any fitness programme MUST be bespoke to your needs…

Fit seamlessly into your life…

And dig deep enough to help you find the kind of woman you REALLY want to show up as…

Every era of our lives requires different handling, ladies…

(I mean, I don’t know about you, but right now, I’m firmly in my pyjama era 😂)

So, if you only do one thing today, please stop with the comparisons…

You can’t be the same as anyone else, in the same way that nobody else can be you… That position is already filled 😉

Whatever needs to happen for you to turn up as that aspirational woman you have in your head…


And getting your health and fitness in order is a pretty bloody great place to start…

Tara “PJs” Grimes…

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