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5 REALISTIC tips to help balance those hormones.

An illustration of a female balancing on a board holding smiley faces that represent different moods

Listen, as a fellow meno-warrior, the last thing I want to do is come over all preachy…

I don’t want to come at you and tell you off. No woman at our time of life needs that nonsense, right?

But some behaviours can really, genuinely help when it comes to naturally regulating hormones…

And they are definitely worth a try before we even go down the medical route of HRT. 

So, I thought I’d give you my 5 prong diagnostic approach to changing what you can (relatively) easily…


🛏️ 1. Please make sure you sleep as well as you can.
I know that’s not easy with hot flushes and night sweats. But give yourself the best chance with a dark, peaceful, cool room and comfortable clothing (made from natural fibres).


🥙 2. A diet rich in whole foods will be your best friend.
Processed products (I’m including alcohol in this) really won’t help. Fresh, simple food cooked from scratch supports hormone production and balance.


😤 3. Stressed out?
…Aren’t we all?! But stress can have a significant impact on hormone balance. So (and I know this isn’t easy) doing all we can to lower stress levels is hugely beneficial.


🚶4. Move your body.
Regular exercise helps regulate hormones and is a proven mood booster. You don’t have to be training for a marathon. Just making the effort to move for 20 minutes most days will have a real effect on how you feel. Whether that’s a walk in your lunch hour or up and down the stairs, it all counts.


🙊 5. Learn to say NO!
God, we women are the world’s worst, aren’t we? Taking on too much to please others. The thing is that WE end up paying the price feeling overworked, undervalued and not appreciated. Learning how to say “no” is a huge power move. Try it today…

These 5 points are just a snapshot of what we teach our members inside my community.

In the community, we give you clear, simple steps on exactly HOW to do all these things.

Just click here if you’re ready to book your call

Holistic health is way more than jumping on a scale once a week and owning a static bike (that you hang your clothes on… I know the score).

We want to keep it simple and realistic. That’s why we teach our ladies to develop a whole set of behaviours that can survive the test of time…

Let me know if you’d like to know more…

Love Tara “Are my car keys in the fridge again?” Grimes.

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