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How to incorporate an hour of activity into your busy working day

New research published has found that there is a greater risk of dying for those who sit for 8 hours a day and do low amounts of exercise. So, how do we incorporate an hour of activity into our busy working day?


Here are a few simple pointers:

  1. The obvious one is to park your car further away from your workplace so you can get that walk in every day.
  2. Get to a fitness class in your lunch hour. Most gyms in towns and cities run lunchtime classes to facilitate people who work.
  3. If you live fairly close to your workplace, think about cycling. Don’t forget to wear your helmet!
  4. I know many PT’s who now are employed by companies during office lunch hours to workout with their employees. It s a really cost effective way to get expert tuition when you group together with your work colleagues.
  5. Take the stairs instead of the lift.
  6. During your two 15 minute tea breaks , get yourself outside for a power walk, your halfway there to your daily one hour target!
  7. Invest in a fitbit which tracks your steps, its amazing how competitive you get with a gadget when trying to increase your steps. It also gives your gentle prompts & reminders to move.

Moving a little bit more every day not helps us live longer but you will feel great too, and your energy levels will increase. Dont allow yourself to use the weather as an excuse, prepare for this. Another benefit of extra movement every day is that you may lose some weight, provided you don’t over consume the calories. So let’s get started, small steps every day, its benefits all the way……so what are you waiting for!

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