I just had to come on and tell you about my latest online coaching graduate…
This New York entrepreneur reached out to me back in November 22 when the zip of her brand-new trousers broke as she put them on.🙈
She’d been happily going along, thinking that a little weight gain was just a natural part of menopause…
But the day the zip broke was a step too far…
In her own words, “The time had come! Time to call in the big guns!”
She decided that at 51, she had two choices…
She could spend the rest of her life gaining a couple of pounds every few months…
Or she could take matters in hand and make a change…
This incredible woman chose change.
I think her story will resonate with many of us ladies of a similar age…
She wasn’t a huge eater… In fact, she couldn’t get over how much food I told her to eat when she started my programme…
She’d been making poor choices…
She’d even been going to the gym, to be fair to her…
But she found herself overtraining and eating badly.
The result = no progress = frustration.
I taught her the importance of a few simple key principles inside the programme:
Getting enough protein to feel full
Staying hydrated to eliminate that afternoon slump where she’d go hunting for snacks
And training smarter, not harder
She now feels less tired, and so is happier in general.
The first 6 weeks resulted in one stone lost…
She was delighted.
✔ She felt full – so losing weight felt easier.
✔ Her energy was more consistent across the day (especially the afternoons).
✔ And she was recovering really well from her gym sessions so she was looking forward to the next one.
Fast forward and this absolute inspiration has lost 20 lbs in just 12 weeks!
Yes, I know, just 84 days! November to February!
I was delighted to hear her say that she’d learned more with me in the first 6 weeks than ever before…
She looks incredible but, more importantly, feels amazing…
Her energy levels are through the roof…
And she now knows how to eat and train to get the very best out of her body.
It’s amazing what we can achieve when we have the right tools for the job, isn’t it?
HUGE well done all round.