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Jumping off wardrobes

A female placing an HRT patch on her arm

“Just wondering why the writing on the instruction leaflet for HRT patches is so small…

By definition, it’s usually for women “of a certain age”…

Larger print might be an idea. Jus’ sayin’…Anyway…

I slapped that patch onto my ample thigh, in line with the instructions of “applying to any area below the waistline”…

I was off! On the brink of a (hopefully) new and improved life…

Filled with hope and optimism that my hair would become in manner of a Herbal Essence ad…

My libido would have me jumping off wardrobes…

And my energy levels would finally see me sorting out my tins cupboard…

Nothing happened for a few days (as expected), then on day 4, I noticed…

→ I felt incredibly thirsty…

→ My eyes were super dry…

→ And constipation had become my best friend…

These 3 side effects arrived like the 3 horsemen of the meno-apocalypse…

They weren’t welcome, but undeterred, I pushed on…

The end of the first week saw mild palpitations creeping in…

BUT! Joy of joys…

That all-day headache was lifting…And I was there for it.

Was this the start of things improving for me?

Should I clear the top of the wardrobe in readiness for antics?

Claire 💋

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