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Google and Baby Oil

Female removing patches from leg

“The thirst and dry eyes carried on throughout week 2 but started to ease into the third week…

The constipation, however, had made a true friend of me and decided to hang around for a bit…

By now, I had ripped off and reapplied a few of my patches, so I was left with square grey marks all over my (fabulous) legs where the adhesive wouldn’t just wash off…😆

I considered that I couldn’t be the only woman in the world who had experienced this problem…

So I consulted Mr Google, who, very usefully, told me:

Baby oil removed these glue marks!

Who knew?… It works, ladies…True story!

Anyway, I digress…

It was at this point in the process that I started to notice my anxiety levels had risen…

I felt rather more tearful than normal…

And had what I can only describe as an “uneasy” feeling…

I know this might sound like something a Victorian lady might say, but I felt trembly and kind of shaky…

Not pleasant… Especially when you consider “taking to my bed with a fit of the vapours” didn’t really fly with a modern family!

But the biggest side effect was ramping up for maximum impact…”

Claire 💋

P.S. That thing about the baby oil really does work. Let me know if you try it!

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