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12 Weeks to Summer: Meno Belly Blitz!

Ladies are you sick and tired of struggling with stubborn belly fat caused by menopause?

I know that’s a yes as you wouldn’t be here otherwise! Listen, I’m with you on this one. I also want to shift a few pounds of stubborn belly fat before summer and I thought, what better way to do it than WITH YOU!

So I’m launching a 12-week Menopausal Belly Blitz and it’s going to be a blast!


Here's what you'll get when you join:

Ladies, I can only work with a set number of people and we’ve already had huge interest after I posted about this on my Instagram so there’s just a few spaces left. I don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity so make sure you get yourself registered by filling out the form below and booking a quick call with me.

Register Now

Blast that stubborn belly fat and feel great by the pool this summer

What We’ll Cover on the Call

I want to make sure that the last few spots only go to women who are absolutely ready to commit to the next 12-weeks with me. So we’ll take the time to run through any of your questions and make sure you’ve got everything you need to get started.

What will the programme include?

I can assure you, we will leave no stone unturned to ensure you get the best results.
Drop lbs fast during the 12 weeks and maximise your ability to get strong, toned and lean.

There will be no cutting out food groups – I can assure you that! I won’t be removing your favourite foods, including chocolate and ice cream!

Oh and no doing crazy intense workouts that exhaust you and you never sustain.

How much is it?

You have two options:

  1. Upfront payment of £999
  2. Or pay in installments over the 12 weeks.


It’s £139 for everything. You get 3 live workouts each week suitable and modified for all levels of fitness from complete beginners to advanced exercisers. With or without equipment. A calorie-controlled program or a portion-controlled fat loss program to follow. Live Q& A’s with Tara every week plus much more nutrition, health, and fitness experience – it will be the complete package.  All information provided is evidence-based, and we are both fully qualified registered Nutritionists and Personal Trainers with a combined experience of over 30 years.

The workouts will be live, but the live recording can also be accessed afterwards on the page to accommodate everyone who cannot participate in live workouts.  We will even email you all the workouts after the program has ended so you will always have access to all the videos and won’t ever miss out.

If you want me to handhold you personally through this then you can view my 1-1 VIP Program, however, before you consider this, check out what you will get for your price. You will get ;
A flexible calorie-controlled program individually to your requirements to suit you and your lifestyle – including meal and recipe ideas.
Alternatively, if you don’t want to calorie count, you can follow the portion control program.
Both options will come with meal ideas and delicious, nutritious ideas to incorporate into your life. You can also have Flexible calories or meals to make it more sustainable.

Don’t worry. We plan to do fun workouts suitable for everyone.  We plan to make sure you get fitter and stronger as the weeks progress.  We will also be throwing in mini-challenges and setting personal targets outside the weekly workouts also to push you outside your comfort zone. Strength, cardio, little dance warm-ups ( calling in help from Alice Grimes), abs, butts, arms – we will be hitting every body part.  Don’t worry; we will make it fun!!!

Don’t worry; The program isn’t prescriptive as it’s imperative that you eat the foods you prefer and that you can follow a program that is sustainable after the 6 weeks is up.  Plus it also allows you for fave treats without total deprivation. It gives freedom and flexibility to do life whilst losing weight and getting healthy.

Yes, of course.  This is standard and very common.  Accountability is key. Although this is optional,  I encourage participants to email a weekly report, listing your progress against your goals you set for yourself, i.e., weekly weight changes, inch loss, and Photos of scale weight and bi-weekly progress pics  (only ever used with the permission of the client).  I will review these every Saturday to ensure everyone is making progress with their personal goals.  We will also give you full feedback each week and tips on how you can improve and stay motivated. Damien and I also present live Q & A to pre-empt the common obstacles to sustained effort when dieting.

You don’t have to.  You can be a silent bystander and observer and learn from everything posted on the page. You should never feel obliged to make comments or engage if you don’t feel comfortable. We like to provide a warm, safe, and supportive community for our clients.  From experience, we find that group pages can provide a fun, group community feel and questions asked and answered on the page benefit everyone who belongs to the group. I will do Live Q&As frequently throughout the program.

Of Course! We will always give our current and valued clients priority places on the next program, and you will be offered this option near the end of the program.  You can re-book your second block at any time.

Absolutely! We welcome clients from across the world.  The live workout videos and Q & A’s can be accessed at any time on our Private community page and all comments and questions will always be answered.  You can select your currency on our webpage when making the purchase to check out your price in your local currency.

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