When we think of ego, we usually associate it with men…
And we’d be right to!
Some of them have an ego the size of Finland, don’t they?
We, ladies, are not completely exempt when it comes to egotistical traits.
What do I mean?
I’ve known a ton of ladies in my time whose egos prevented them from asking for help…
Call it “pride”, if you prefer…
But it stopped them from reaching out and getting the guidance they needed.
I had one client who sat on the fence for over a year before finally admitting she needed some help…
So last week, I went back and asked her what it felt like at the start for her…
She told me that she’d felt that needing help must mean she was a failure…
That accepting help made her feel weak…
And that needing ongoing support made her believe she couldn’t do anything by herself.
This couldn’t be further from the truth… And thank God, she has now realised this.
I’m proud to say that she’s really leaned into community life…
Has no hesitation asking for help if she needs it…
And grabs every opportunity that comes her way for help.
A shining example of how my fitness programme can make life a whole lot easier…
So, if you have a sneaking suspicion that your ego might be slightly overgrown 😂
Let’s talk it through…
Don’t let it obscure your view of success…
Much love,