VIP 1-1 Online Coaching with Tara
You’re 12 Weeks Away From Being Totally In Control Of Your Health And Fitness… For Life
Working With A Nutritionist To Create A Highly Personalised Plan To Optimise Your Eating, And A Dedicated Personal Trainer To Exercise Effectively In Just 90 Minutes A Week.

No Wonder These Results Speak For Themselves...
Amazing results achieved by my VIP clients
The ladies that get the most out of the VIP coaching package have usually tried to get in shape before. This isn’t their first bite of the cherry.
They’ve got a history of diet clubs, meal replacement shakes, and chronically low calorie diets.
Each of these “solutions” worked to some extent… at least, for a little while.

But things seem slower on the weight loss front these days, and the methods that used to be effective… if unpleasant… don’t seem to work anything like as well anymore.
Not with a few kids, and working full time thrown into the mix.
They need a no BS approach to getting results.
And make no mistake about it; results need to be front and centre of what they get.
Without someone to hold them accountable, it’s easy to let all their other responsibilities encroach on their good intentions.
They don’t have the time or emotional bandwidth to take on the planning and preparation themselves, and that’s what’s required for truly phenomenal results.
At least once you’re over about 35!
That’s why the VIP one to one coaching package does it for you. No stone left unturned, absolute personalisation, and life changing results.

Why choose 1-1 VIP Coaching?
I will be by your side every step of the way.
- Be confident that you will achieve the results you are looking for.
- We start with an in-depth consultation.
- Training and nutrition plans tailored specifically for you, your habits, goals and needs.
- Weekly telephone calls ensure you are not left alone, you have the ultimate. accountability!
- Additional online support from my team of specialists dietitians and coaches.
- Each week watch your body get leaner, stronger and healthier.
The only thing we don’t do for you is chew the food and do the reps.

I'm Tara
I’ve helped 1000’s of women to feel in control of their decisions around food and exercise and what I noticed when working with professional women was remarkable. They would say things like…
“Have I broken my stomach?”
“Have I damaged my metabolism?”
“Am I just destined to be this weight forever?”
My heart went out to them.
These women were obviously incredibly high performers in other areas of their life.
They had successful, rewarding careers, whilst running a home and raising a family.
Obviously, they didn’t lack discipline.
They had a work ethic the Trojans would have been jealous of.
And they were actively searching for a solution to help them manage their weight.
- They’d tried all sorts of horrible tasting, expensive meal replacement shakes…
- They’d gone through the ritual humiliation of diet clubs with public weigh-ins…
- And they knew their way around a calorie deficit like it was second nature to them
It wasn’t uncommon for women to tell me that they’d been on a diet on and off since they were about 14 years old.
So what was different now?
Why weren’t they getting the results they were looking for? Could their years on outrageously low calories have done something to them, really?
No. They weren’t broken. There was nothing wrong with their metabolism that couldn’t be sorted with a more personal approach.
Results were still possible… no, inevitable… when they found
- The proper approach to their nutrition
- The unwavering support and accountability of a coach
- A highly personalised, results-focused package of self care.
The VIP coaching package is
personalised and results focussed
And even better - it’s delivered remotely, online. Accessible from anywhere in the world and offering total flexibility to work around the most demanding lifestyle.
How it works

In-Depth Consultation
We start with a consultation, so your coach is crystal clear on exactly what your goal is as well as precisely what’s held you back from achieving it so far.
The call is really a pivotal point in the journey. Understanding what you’ve liked about things you’ve tried in the past means we get to keep the good bits that work well… while ditching the stuff you hated.

Welcome Pack
Once your coach fully understands your goals and why they’re important to you, you’ll receive a welcome pack via email.
This document is designed specifically to answer any questions you may have about how the VIP coaching experience works, and how you can get the very best out of it.
It’s useful as a guide on what to focus on and when, rather than trying to do everything at once. We’ve found it reduces overwhelm, particularly at the beginning when it can be tempting to try to change everything at once.

Access to specialist experts
Professional coaching from sleep experts, menopuase doctors, mindset and performance coaches.

Community Support
The email that delivers the welcome pack gives you everything you need to get started, including links to the Membership Centre and some of the more important reference points around the coaching experience.
The Membership Centre is a critical element of success, because it’s the heart of our community. It’s not only the place where you’d come to ask questions, and access training videos, infographics and instant support…
It’s also our home on the internet. Everyone in this group is on the same journey as you, and totally gets the challenge of trying to prioritise your own health and fitness when you’re the glue that holds your family together.
To be honest, this is one of the most powerful features of the VIP programme. If you’ve never had the unconditional support of like minded women, who will simultaneously hold you to the highest possible standards… you’re likely missing a key component for your success.
Now, this isn’t like some diet club where we all sit around and pontificate about the scales not moving because you’ve “drunk too much water” or “not eaten enough”.
That’s BS and you should sniff that out a mile away.
No, this community of women recognises that we all want one thing: results.

Weekly Review & Support
Every single week you get an opportunity to have a Review And Refocus Call with your coach. This call will give you scope to check what’s going well with your health and fitness goals over the last 7 days… and what areas could be improved.
This regular analysis and evaluation is there to reassure you that absolutely every reasonable thing that could be done to get you the “dream result” is happening.
Unlike most common approaches, we’ll be using our “Trident Matrix” to monitor your measurements and tracking, instead of limiting ourselves to just one.
This is a far better reflection of your physical transformation than simply using scale weight alone. Motivation is sky high with the three progress markers, and you’ll get a far more accurate impression of your body transformation.
You’ll receive a logbook for these measurements so that you don’t lose track of the rapid progress you’ll make week after week.
During the minimum 12 week commitment, there will probably be things that crop up in your life that could derail your progress. That’s just how life is, right?
When you’ve done this on your own, without the support of a coach to keep you accountable, this can be the point at which things have traditionally gone off the rails.
These calls are absolutely indispensable for regular, systematic progress.
Every single day you can submit your daily food log to your coach and get guidance and feedback straight away. You’ve got a qualified nutritionist in your pocket!
This regular “course correction” means that you’re never left feeling like you’re having to figure things out by yourself, or patching a solution together from a bunch of different places, like many online coaching programmes.
It also means that you’re never more than a text message away from personalised feedback by your coach that understands you and your specific circumstances.
We’re talking about a “do this, don’t do that” level of clarity.
This is a level of support which is simply unmatched by a face to face personal trainer on the gym floor. The reality is, most of the results you want are going to come from skilful handling of nutrition.

Tailored Nutrition
A one size fits all approach to nutrition not only doesn’t work… As we get older and our bodies have their quirks and foibles with certain foods, it simply makes us feel bloated, and uncomfortable. It even gives us painful heartburn to choose our foods based on some generic meal plan. No diet is worth that.

Weekly Tune Up
Every single week in our Weekly Tune Up, you’ll get access to world leading experts on women’s health. Professionals who are recognised and respected in their fields who provide training to cater specifically to your success. We cover topics like:
- Hormones and weight loss over 40
- Menopause and energy management
- Mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs
- PCOS and other female-specific health topics
…and so much more.

2 weekly coaching workshops with Tara
In addition to your private coaching call with Tara, you’ll have access to x2 weekly coaching workshops.
Bonus time!
As a bonus, for committing to yourself and investing in your health, I’d like to reward you with a bonus gift.
For every woman prepared to back herself today and commit to life changing health support for the next 12 weeks, I’ll include an ebook bundle.
My goal is that you are resourced to the hilt. The ebooks include…

Starter Pack
You get a fully comprehensive starter pack for nutrition and training knowledge.
Meal Ideas
Meal ideas for every dietary preference and that the whole family can enjoy together. No more cooking different meals for you and the rest of the family.
Recipes with calories and macronutrients already counted and trackable. Just pick something you like the look of, and add it to your tracker. Simple!
Meal planners to make shopping and cooking feel organised, easy – and most importantly – enjoyable.
Now, the value of the bundle is in excess of £150… but that’s not all.
Some of these manuals are simply not available to buy anywhere. Not for any price.
These exclusive manuals are only available for the incredible women changing their lives on the VIP coaching package.
That’s over £250 worth of extras included absolutely free.
Now, with that being said, there’s a caveat...
This is not for you if:
You can’t commit for a minimum of 12 weeks. This is a highly results focused coaching programme. You will be working closely with your coach, daily, weekly and monthly to make progress towards your goals. You’ll need around 90 minutes a week to exercise and around 30 minutes a day to get organised with food. If that feels impossible right now, rather than adding stress to your life, come back when you can give yourself the space you need to really engage with the process.
You expect results without putting the work in. I doubt this is you, especially if you’ve read this far, but it’s worth being very clear about: nothing changes if nothing changes. It’s likely that some adjustments will have to be made, under the guidance of your success coach, to get the very best out of the programme.
You won’t ask for help quickly. One of the fundamental principles of success in the VIP coaching package is that you don’t struggle in silence. Whatever challenges you’re facing - motivational, nutritional, exercise based - all of it can be immediately addressed when you ask for help. But if you bottle it up, ignore it and stay quiet, problems have a way of spiralling out of control quickly. So I ask you to make that commitment to me right now. Ask for help quickly if you need it, and it will be given.
Now, if you’re still with me, you’re in exactly the right place to get help if:
The things that used to work for you seem to be far less effective than they used to be. Even the stuff that was really unpleasant!
Any weight loss feels incredibly slow, and you’re questioning if it’s really worth the effort of giving up so many of the foods you love. If there may be a better way…
You’re coachable, and willing to be a little bit selfish for the next 12 weeks. Work, family - all the plates you’re spinning - will come crashing down if you’re not ready to take care of yourself first.

If you were seeing a personal trainer face to face in the gym for this level of support, you’d be looking at an investment of around £4200 for the 12 weeks (based on an hourly rate of £50).
That’s assuming they can help you with your nutrition, which most aren’t qualified to.
And between you and me..? That’s the most important part.
It also limits you to a set time to get together every day, offering you little in the way of flexibility for the realities of a demanding life.
So assuming you find a sufficiently qualified personal trainer, who can guide you on your nutrition, and you somehow would be able to actually get a daily slot with them for the next 12 weeks that suited your schedule and theirs… If all those factors were present, and the planets somehow aligned, then it would cost £4200.
But our VIP coaching package offers all that – plus, total flexibility to watch the videos and schedule your workouts and coaching calls around your life. Plus £250 worth of bonus extras, many of which are VIP coaching package exclusives.
Remote coaching is the only logical solution for any woman who has work and family demands on her time.
Let’s recap what you get with Tara's VIP coaching

You get to work with me one to one, every day
That’s on-demand real time guidance from a nutritionist. That includes food log analysis, and nutritional optimisation for fat loss which is specially designed for women over 40 and the unique challenges they face.
This feature alone is bulletproofing you against failure and practically guaranteeing your success. That’s why I’m able to be so sure about the results you will get – because I personally oversee every single woman in the programme and I will not allow you to fail. We’ll be “lifting the lid” every single day to make absolutely certain that we’re on track.

Complete accountability and support
Complete accountability and support from your success coach in our weekly call. Any issues whatsoever – problems, questions, worries, insecurities – you’ll get an actionable solution that takes your personal circumstances into account.

Access to specialist experts
Professional coaching from sleep experts, menopuase doctors, mindset and performance coaches.

In person meet ups
We arrange up to 2 exclusive client events per year, allowing you to connect with us and others on the programme.

Membership centre
A dedicated membership centre so that you’re never more than mere minutes away from getting back on track with the support of your community.

A bespoke training programme
A truly personal, fully bespoke training programme which is written for you by a coach considering your specific goals, lifestyle and any limitations. Not some “cookie cutter” generic template that’s liable to leave you feeling sore and broken for days.

Membership website
A specially designed membership website, housing dozens of hours of video content, downloadable resources, and expert interviews that you can dip into when you need help solving a specific issue, or you’re looking to deepen your appreciation of a topic. We cover everything from nutrition, to training, to mindset and identity, even hormonal fluctuations and considerations around menopause because we offer…

A “leave no stone unturned” approach
A “leave no stone unturned” approach to creating a truly personalised, results driven solution to weight loss and fitness
All that, and your success is a sure thing.
That’s the full 12 weeks squared away before you start – with no on-going hidden charges to waste your mental energy on. If it takes longer than 12 weeks I will provide an economical and flexible payment to suit
That works out at less than 25 quid a day.
In case you didn’t know, that’s the starting hourly rate for a brand new, wet behind the ears PT to count your reps.
Frankly, it’s a no brainer. If you could get the results you’ve been yearning for, sometimes for years, sometimes for decades, and all it would take is mere money?
What would you rather have 3 months from now?

Peace of mind

Total control, and

All the skills you need to keep the body of your dreams last a lifetime…