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How to flatten your tummy fast

Are you training regularly and eating well but still struggling to get rid of the soft and squidgy belly despite your best efforts? Then let me fast track you by giving you some tips to lose that belly forever.


Train your entire body, prioritising legs.


The less muscle you have in your lower body is an indicator of an increase in tummy fat . As you lose muscle through incorrect training or low calorie dieting you can gain more belly fat. A recent study found that putting the focus on legs training early on in your workout increases growth hormone which leads to fat loss around the tummy. Obese subjects lost more fat on their belly following intense workouts due to the high release rate of growth hormone.


Try the following

Squats followed by a chin up or lat pull down. Then do step ups followed by bench press. Finish with split leg squats followed by military press. Lift a fairly heavy weight and do it until you cant lift anymore.


Eat a lower carb, high-protein diet.


Eat protein that is a good quality. A high quality protein intake will create more leanness around your waist and tummy. These are found in eggs, animal protein and whey protein powders.




When you eat protein you feel fuller for longer. The hormone that reduces your hunger is heightened, which leads to eating less food. This is in contrast to eating a diet high in carbohydrates. Also, eating protein can help build muscle easier and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest, helping reduce that tummy fat.


Interval Training


I always seem to mention this each week in my articles, however I feel Intervals are neglected and misunderstood. The mass population seems to think intervals are for “fit people”. Interval training has been tested on kids, elderly, obese, people with metabolic disorders, pregnant women, people recovering from heart attacks, cancer patients, depression. So stop making excuses and start NOW! This type of training with intermittent burst releases growth hormone which is a fat burning, muscle building hormone. all which will torch that belly fat fast!



If you are brand new to this, start by doing the following; walking really fast for 3 minutes and walking slow for 2 minutes, alternate and as you get fitter increase your intensity, time and intervals. Advanced intervals trainees can try all out 10-30 seconds sprints, cycles, rower, cross trainer or weights.


Get some ZZzzzz’s.


The less sleep you get, the higher your body fat will be, particularly tummy fat. Bad sleep habits lead to a disruption in your circadian rhythms and this affects your hormone levels. Your all important growth hormone is of paramount importance in avoiding belly fat and this is released at night when you sleep. So lack of growth hormone and an increase in your stress hormone called cortisol offers a double whammy, both preventing you from getting that flat tummy.


Would you like to learn more ways to transform your body and your fitness levels by finding out about my Six Week Better Bodies online programme? Then click here for more details 

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